Thursday, April 21, 2011

Surgery Day...

I figured all of you would be checking back throughout the day looking for an update, so the best thing to do was to make one post with a time-line as things happen.  So here is goes...

10:28am - Anesthesia nurse just came in to tell us it's time, so everything is running on time.  We all met her surgeon, anesthesiologist, & nurse while we were waiting.  We did not meet the plastic surgeon because he will arrive later.  They stated surgery would take about 4 hours approximately, she will spend 2 hours in recovery, and then they will move her up to her room afterward.  But we will get updates throughout, and and update after each doctor finishes...

12:36pm - First part of the surgery is complete.  Just had a follow up consult with the breast surgeon.  He said everything went well.  Minimal bleeding.  Heart rate was great.  Etc.  She was doing just fine through the initial procedure.  He said preliminary testing by pathology of the surrounding lymph nodes was negative.  (If it had been positive, they would have needed to take some lymph nodes out as well).  So, that was probably the best news that she could have received today.  They will still send the tissue out for more complete testing by a pathologist where they will visibly look at it all in sections.  She will still be in surgery for approximately another 1-2 hours...

2:36pm - Kendra is out of surgery!  She is still in recovery right now, and is still very sleepy.  We should get to see her soon.  We met with the plastic surgeon, who said everything went well!  She will spend one night here in the hospital for sure, and she should be able to go home as early as tomorrow afternoon if she is feeling well.  They said this morning they will try and get her up and get her moving around tonight. 


  1. Thank you so much for updating this for us!! Very much appreciated and can't wait to tell Paige that her teacher is doing good after surgery is done!!

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated! You rock! :)

  3. Thanks for the update! It was only a few hours, but any procedure involving surgery can feel so hectic, don't you think? I'm glad to know the plastic surgeon said that everything went well.

    -Terry Bayer
