Just as an FYI for everyone, yes I'm feeling up to visitors, I just ask you send me a text to give me a warning when you're coming over. PLEASE PLEASE keep in mind that if YOU or anyone in your household is currently sick, DO NOT come visit me. I can not afford to be exposed to anything at this point. Don't worry phone calls are always welcome in this instance!!
I had a really nice HLC visit today. I can't believe it took us an hour and a half to shampoo and dry my hair, take a "shower", empty the drainage tubes, change the dressing, and get me dressed in a fresh bra and pj's! But it felt much better when we were done! Tina came by first, and then was joined by Joanna who brought us some salad fixings for lunch. Just as we were finishing up, Kira brought Paige over for a visit. I know she's been dying to see if I'm okay, she of course was very shy at first, but I bribed her with my cell phone to play with and she warmed up enough to even give me a hug before she left! Julien dropped by for a brief visit and even brought me a sugary treat. But it's from Whole Foods so it's good for you right?!?!
After everyone left I received a call from my doctor concerning the final pathology report. Just like they initially thought, the lymph nodes were in fact clear. Then he said they look at clear margins, his ability to cut through the tissue without cutting through and leaving tumor behind. He said his margins were clear, HOOORAY! He's definitely not a good poker player, I knew as the conversation was getting started there was bad news in the call coming somewhere. And sure enough, he said that they found 2 very small cancer tumors growing in the right breast (the one we originally believed to be clear). They were about 6MM and 3MM. This is not good news as far as cancer growing in my body, but makes this pain and recovery SOO much more worth it to know that we've removed ALL of that cancer from my body. He still wants me to speak with a medical oncologist, which he will arrange for me in the next couple of weeks to discuss treatment options from this point forward. Maybe it's just the release of the stress but after that phone call was the first time I've cried since before undergoing the surgery.
I do believe the worst of this journey just HAS to be behind us at this point, that things can only get better from here. I continue to amaze myself each day with how well I'm handling recovery, and I feel just a bit stronger every day. I couldn't have done it without ALL of the support that I've been shown!! Thanks just doesn't seem enough to express that to everyone!
Paige is still talking about that stinkin Cat on your phone...she thought it was hilarious! :) You looked GREAT for having surgery just under a week ago!! She was excited to come and see you, just takes her a little while to warm up in a new place, you totally hit the mark with the phone though! LMAO When we got home last night after running around she says Mom, who is going to be my teacher now? I said well, Miss Lisa and I think Miss Kathy are going to be in there...she says no, remember, Miss Kendra said Miss Lisa was sick so she won't be at school. I had to explain to her that Miss Lisa wasn't as sick as you and that she would be at school, she still didn't believe me so I told her that she just had a cold and she would be ok and at school on Tuesday! She is sooo worried about you guys!! :) Anyway...you look great and let me know if you need anything! :)