I am sooo sorry I haven't posted in awhile, it just seems life is getting in the way!! I've been super busy now that work is back in full swing, and trying to get out and have a social life as much as I can. And don't forget the trips out on the boat with Brian!!
Okay so week's 1 and 2 on Taxol were quite interesting..They give me 3 pre-meds to make sure that I don't have an allergic reaction, and the nurse sits in there with you for the first 15-20 minutes with a "kit" just in case. The pre-meds are benadryl (I kinda miss that now that it's gone, it helped me take a few great naps both in the chemo room, in the car, and at home!!!), decadron (sp??) this was the same stuff I was taking in the pill form for anti-nausea with the AC but this was a larger dose via IV...my only complaint with this was the "burn" that came with it being injected! And the last was a pepsid...after 2 weeks of those drugs with Taxol and no reactions I no longer needed them with this past week's infusion. Oh there was 1 bad side affect with the benadryl, last week I had restless leg syndrome...I thought I was going to come unglued trying to sit in the chair reading my magazine!!
This week I was fortunate to have had Barb go with me...I wanted to give Brian a break since Friday's are supposed to be his day off and he was already scheduled to work from 5pm Friday to 1pm Sunday...we sat and visited and had a nice time. Even my nurse sat in the room visiting with us for a little while.
I went back to my surgeon for a 3 month follow up. He said everything looks good. He showed me how to do a self breast exam with the expanders in. Kinda creepy both he and the resident with him did my exam in the office, but hey I lost my modesty a long time ago!! I will go back and see him in November, then we'll go 6 months, and then it will be every year. He put me in contact with a gynecologist so that I can start having my ovaries monitored until I decide to have them out. I know the oncologist is hoping that will happen as soon as chemo is over, but I'm not quite on board with that yet. In the meantime I will have blood work and ultrasounds and be closely monitored just in case.
Fair warning to everyone reading this who sees me on a regular basis, thanks to menopause #1 I'm very emotional, don't be alarmed if I cry at the drop of the hat, and over something really insignificant. Just hand me a Kleenex and ignore it! :)
I noticed something kind of odd today. For some reason the ONLY place I won't go bald is to Jazzercise, and I'm not sure why that is. I usually wear a bandana when I'm there...today I was REALLY warm and should have taken it off but I couldn't do it. I don't know why that is, I'm very comfortable there, and most of the time I can start to feel like the old me there (except I still can't work out as hard as I used to), but I get lost in the music and usually walk away feeling much better after the hour. Strange that I feel I need to hide my bald head there....speaking of bald head, one of the nurses said I'll start getting a little fuzz grow back, but my hair won't grow back until the chemo is over...she described it like the fluff underneath a bird's wing.
Okay I need to wrap this up, I have dinner plans and then I'm heading out to say goodbye to a good friend of mine who is moving tomorrow. But please understand, no news is probably good news where this blog is concerned...if I haven't posted it means there's probably nothing new worth mentioning!
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